Juice Fast Journey: Day 6

Well, I can't believe I'm here, day 6! Right on the cusp of the end. I feel so proud of myself it's amazing! I had church this morning and made breakfast before, along with a juice for my sick husband and my juice for lunch later.

-red juice

-2 cups pineapple
-handful of pomegranate seeds
-1 apple
-2 yellow Swiss chard stalks
-2 carrots

Was good. I love my sweet juice in the morning

Off to church today. Will power don't fail me, I know there's going to be those trays of donuts and coffee and all kinds of stuff that I need to not have this morning. 

Well, I made it okay through church but I was reminded this morning that today is Super Bowl. Boo! Today people will be eating galore; chips, dip, pizza, etc. To make it worse we are invited to a friends house for a party where I will be sitting around and smelling said foods without being able to indulge. 

I think I've hit rock bottom folks, maybe that why I'm craving everything right now. But I'm not giving up! I can and will do this for my health, for my kids, for my husband I CAN do this! 7 days. Almost done!

I'm needed some motivation and since everyone is asleep in the house I'm snuggling up on the couch and decided to watch 'Hungry For Change' on Netflix. I've watched it before but it's been awhile so I thought it might help remind me why I'm doing this: to heal my body from the inside out.

-my regular green juice
And to be honest I don't even feel like drinking it, but I will.

Well, while sipping my green juice and watching that film I did get a bit hungry and also a bit more motivated to stick with this. I'm in it to win it. I'm in it for my health and to prove to myself I can accomplish what I commit to.

We went to our friends Super Bowl party this afternoon and I made a fruit and veggie tray to being because that's pretty much all we have in the house right now because of my juicing. It was a fun time. And while my kids got to dive into the pizza and chips and veggies I was a little bit jealous for sure. They had even bought the good local pizza! But I just made sure to mention to the hostess right away to not be offended if I don't eat anything and that it all looks great but I'm on a juice fast. It actually made it easier to just mention it right off the bat and it helped to hold me accountable. 

It also brought up good conversation about why I was doing it. And when I showed her my tongue she guessed right away that I have geographical tongue. What?! She acted all normal with the whole thing until it hit me, duh! She's a dental hygienist and she apparently must see it all the time. She said there's really no cause for it and that she sees lots of people with it. I'm not completely sold that there's no cause for it, it just means they don't know what the exact pinpoint trigger is but it's still not healthy in my book so I'm going to have to do more research now. 

Well, I passed the Super Bowl test and didn't eat anything at the party. Actually to be honest I came home and with my leftover fruit and veggie tray I made my juice for dinner:

- Dark Green Juice

1/2 cup pineapple
1/4 cup snap peas
2 cups of carrot sticks
2 cups of honeydew melon
4 stalks of bok choy (the only thing not on my tray)

Was pretty good. Maybe not my sweetest but after watching that show I'm trying to make sure my juices aren't too sugar oriented.

 One thing to note: if your wanting more liquid to you juices celery or cucumber are really good as a base. And when I don't have celery I use bok choy because it yields a good amount of liquid too.

Well, another day gone and done! Tomorrow will be my 7th day and probably my last day of strictly juice but tomorrow I will officially make the decision. Besides my hemorrhoids being gone and my super easy stools which help in any prevention of that I feel like everything else is still the same. I realize, however that it takes time for your body to heal from the inside out and that is what I'm endeavors get to do. I don't want some quick fix or temporary fix that won't last. I am in this for the long hall!

Until tomorrow then!

Oh, and my weight seems to have stabilized, which is great.

Heather Joy


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