Juice Fast Journey: Day 4

Well today I woke up and had my morning BM. Not much too it! The nice thing is that there's not much going through my body so my hemorrhoids can really have a chance to heal. Still have a little uncomfortableness down there but I can't figure out why because I'm not really flared up anymore, just my ugly skin tags are there and bigger than ever. Okay all done with the TMI. 

Went for a quick walk around the neighborhood before everyone woke up. Felt great and didn't really lack energy until I got home and I felt starved. Distractions really do help me. So, first thing I made my breakfast.

- red juice this morning

-5 carrots
-1/2 pineapple
-3 stalks of red Swiss chard

It was delicious! I do think it livens me up to have something more sweet in the morning.

So every morning I make my breakfast juice and then I grab one of my premade mix bags and then juice my lunch. So, save time by juicing multiple juices at a time. I realize you might not get the exact amount of nutrients as you would if you made it fresh, but let's be practical people! Lunch is always a rush and the one thing that sucks about juicing is always washing out your machine. So I think juicing once in the evening and then once in the afternoon/evening is plenty for me!

This afternoon I feel pretty crappy all of a sudden. Lack of energy. Just going up the stairs actually makes me tired for a second. I actually took a nap because I felt so bad. 

- regular green juice

Insert my nap here. Pure bliss!

- purple juice! Boy am I getting adventurous! 

Tonight's Purple Juice:
-1/4 red cabbage head
-1 lime
-3 red Swiss chard leaves
I tried it and it tasted a bit too bitter for me from the lime, so I added:
-1/2 lemon

So, I love the beautiful color of this juice but I'm unsettled on it. One sip and I think it's not too bad and taste the citrus mostly and the next sip I feel like it's way too cabbage flavored and is gross. Now, don't get me wrong it is still palatable but it's not my favorite. But cabbage is so good for you a little less than delicious is still worth the health benefits to me, plus I already made my late night sugar fix juice that is super delicious so I have something to look forward to after this. 

So, after my nap I felt a little better and then I seemed to get an energy rush. I cleaned the whole downstairs! Now this could also be because my husband was feeling sick so it kicked me in the butt to really get stuff done and take care of him but I like to think it's because I'm pass the 'horrible hump' of juicing. Has anyone else had these energy level swings? 

-pink juice, and boy was it good! Might even be my new favorite!
Included: 1/2 a small watermelon, 1 lime and half an apple.

Day 4 done! I really am proud of myself. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do it. But now I'm not even as tempted because now I feel like I've made it so far I don't want to ruin my progress.

-hemorrhoids are gone. Feeling good.
-dandruff is still the same
-tongue is still as bad as the previous day. I'm wondering if all the citrus is making it worse. 

See you gents tomorrow!

Heather Joy


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